Wednesday, February 27, 2008

It's a Pirate's Life!

Great Gluten Escape Camp 2008

Get ready to walk and talk like a pirate...

When: June 15 - 20, 2008
Where: Camp Gilmont in Gilmer, Texas
What: A celiac camp for children ages 7-15
Camp Fees: $395

Don't miss the boat!
As of February 14th they have already registered 30%
of the camp capacity and we expect to fill the camp this summer!

The Great Gluten Escape will provide each camper with an opportunity to participate in all camp activities without concern for the gluten content of the food provided. The camp will provide an environment that encourages peer support and escape from the daily peer pressure of the “I can't have that” syndrome.

Visit our 2005 and 2006 Great Gluten Escape Photo Galleries

If you have questions concerning your child's situation that you would like to discuss with a staff member prior to registration, please use the Contact Page. From the contact page you are able to send an email with your questions, or you can contact the Camp Director, Kelly LeMonds via telephone.

This 6 day/5 night summer resident camp has been designed for youth ages 7-15 with dietary restrictions related to Celiac Disease, Dermatitis Herpetiformis, and/or Gluten Sensitivity/Intolerance. This is the camp where you can escape from the gluten loaded world we live in. For one week you will no longer have to worry about gluten!

Camp Gilmont located in Gilmer, Texas approximately 2 hours east of Dallas , Texas . The camp comes with all the normal camp events and activities. Each camper will experience all of the excitement of a summer resident camp, including S'mores by the campfire!

We welcome siblings whom are also of the age 7 to 15 that are not diagnosed with Celiac Disease, DH, or Gluten Intolerance, however, only gluten free food will be served during camp. We regret we will not be able to accommodate campers experiencing the physical challenges associated with Down Syndrome and/or Autism.

We will have a camp RN (celiac knowledgeable) on facility during the entire week, and all foods and medications will be gluten-free. Other dietary restrictions that can be accommodated are casein and dairy intolerance. All other dietary restrictions should be discussed with the Camp Nurse , Cheryl Gainer, RN at 214-274-6094, or BEFORE registering for camp .

Registration may be completed on the Registration Page from the link above. To reserve your spot, complete the registration form and make (at minimum) the $100 non-refundable deposit by May 1, 2008. Information regarding payment by Pay Pal or by check is available on the registration page. Campers will be registered on a first-come first–served basis. It is our policy to return all registrations that are not complete, that do not have the complete deposit, or that have contingencies. The camp deposit of $100 is non-refundable. For more information please contact the camp registrar via email or 972-359-1955.

Note: This information has been copied from the Dallas R.O.C.K. website. This camp offers fantastic opportunity and experience to Gluten Intolerant and Celiac kids!

Monday, February 25, 2008

More Ice Cream Cake Experiments

Happy Birthday Rachel!!!
I have found a new passion...Ice cream cakes. The one I made for my sister's birthday was very popular. I personally thought it tasted better than the first one I made (Mostly because I love chocolate;-) Here are some pictures of the final product (you can get the recipe from my original post).

This cake was made with a chocolate cake base (Namaste, of course.) The filling was mint chocolate chip ice cream, which was frosted with chocolate chip vanilla ice cream. The cake was decorated with green dyed Pillsbury vanilla frosting.


Chewy Peanut Butter Cookies

My cousin Katie shared this recipe on her blog and it is absolutely delicious! I am already a peanut butter fanatic, so lets just say that I have been baking and eating peanut butter cookies since she posted the recipe;-)

Peanut Butter Cookies

  • 2 cups peanut butter (creamy or crunchy)
  • 3 cups packed brown sugar (the original recipe calls for 2 cups, but I found that adding one extra cup makes the cookies hold together better instead of flattening out)
  • 2 eggs (beaten)
  • 1 tsp GF vanilla
  • 2 tsp baking soda
  • a pinch or two of salt


Preheat oven to 350
  1. Mix together dry ingredients, followed by liquid ingredients
  2. Roll into small balls (I used a tablespoon to scoop)
  3. Take a fork and press the down down, making a criss-cross pattern
  4. Bake between 8-10 minutes (I bake for 8 minutes using stoneware and they turn out to be perfectly chewy.)
  5. Let the cookies cool on pan for about 5 minutes and then place them on wire cooling racks so the can cool completely.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

In case your not in the V-day spirit yet....


  1. 1 pound semi sweet chocolate chips
  2. 1 cup heavy whipping cream
  3. 1/2 cup of cocoa powder
  1. Place chocolate in large heat-proof bowl. Bring cream to a boil in microwave
  2. Pour directly over chocolate
  3. Allow to sit 10 minutes, then use a rubber spatula to stir chocolate and cream until combined.
  4. Pour mixture into pie dish; refrigerate until set (about 40 minutes)
  5. Using a rounded tablespoon, form balls from mixture and place on parchment-lined rimmed baking sheet
  6. Refrigerate until firm.
  7. Remove from refrigerator
  8. Quickly roll into a ball, dust with cocoa powder
  9. If truffles become too soft to handle, chill again until firm

*Makes about 2 dozen
(Must stay refrigerated)
**Store refrigerated in an airtight container up to one week**

This recipe was inspired by a Martha Stewart Chocolate Truffle recipe

Valentine's Day Cupcakes

Happy Valentine's Day!!!

Well, as you all may have heard, Whole Foods is already in the process of slowly replacing the Namaste brand with their own products. :-( So, I was surprised to see the process already in full swing the other day when I went to pick up some cake mix. I was pressed on time, so I grabbed a box of Whole Food's Chocolate Cake Mix. I whipped up the mix into cupcakes for a Valentine's party.
Let's would I compare it to Namaste? It was a good mix, and all of the kids gobbled it up. I thought it was really good too. But, for all of you who have tried Namaste products, you will know what I am talking about. Namaste Cake Mixes in general, have this moist and "Oh so delicious taste that lasts for days and days!" Even my "non-gluten free buddies" agree that Namaste cakes are the best cakes they have every had, which is a lot to say since it is gluten free. So, if you couldn't tell, I heart Namaste. Life goes on though, right?

I still plan to make sure that Market Street is not following suit and that they are keeping Namaste on the shelves, but if you are into variety. I will recommend this
Whole Food's Chocolate Cake Mix. I am also intending on at least trying out the other Whole Food's products they are putting out (i.e. pancake/waffle mix, cookie mix, bread mix, etc) and I recommend you do too. They are still expensive (being gluten free and all), but they are not as expensive as some of the others. So, here are the cupcakes, topped with Pillsberry Cream Cheese Frosting (dyed pink), sprinkles, and a single DOTS candy (red and pink, of course) Enjoy!

Monday, February 11, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day ~ This will get you in the spirit

When is the last time you remember enjoying ice cream cake? Well, here is a recipe that will allow you to enjoy an ice cream cake that just happens to be gluten free!

Gluten Free Ice Cream Cake

  1. 1 box gluten free white cake mix ( and whatever ingredients it requires, which is usually water, eggs, and vegetable oil)
  2. 1/2 gallon box of your favorite gluten free ice cream (I used butter pecan)
  3. 4 cups (2 pints) gluten free vanilla ice cream
  4. 1 (12 ounce) container of white frosting (I used Pillsberry)

  1. Make your cake following the directions on the box.
  2. Pour the batter into a greased 9X13-inch baking pan and bake at 350 degrees for 30-35 minutes.
  3. Once cake is done, let it cool to room temperature.
  4. When the cake has cooled, slice it in half and place each half on a wax-paper covered cookie sheet.
  5. Put your 1/2 gallon box of ice cream into a mixer and mix until smooth (not too long or it will start melting)
  6. Scoop the ice cream out evenly distributed between the two cake halves.
  7. Using a butter knife, mold the ice cream so that it appears to follow the same shape as the cake half.
  8. Place in freezer for 1-2 hours
  9. When the designated time has passed, place your 4 cups of vanilla ice cream into the mixer and mix until smooth (again, not to long as to melt it) (*** You can add food color this if you would like it to turn out another color***)
  10. Scoop the vanilla ice cream evenly onto each cake half. This time you will be shaping the ice cream as if it is frosting, so fill in the top and cover the sides. (You may use whatever instrument works best for you (I just used a butter knife)
  11. Place the cakes back into the freezer for an hour or so to set up.
  12. Once the cakes have set, you can decorate if with frosting (perhaps around the top and bottom edges, or write a special note in the middle) Fill a pastry bag with a fancy tip and decorate.
  13. Cover the cakes and keep them in your freezer.
  14. When you are ready to serve the cakes, leave them out for 10-15 minutes before slicing.
  15. Cut the cakes with a sharp knife that has been held under hot water.

Quick Note:
Remember, you may use whatever flavor cake mix you desire and same goes for ice cream.