Thursday, September 4, 2008


This idea has probably been around for a while in other realms. Who knows, it may have even been mentioned as a Gluten Free idea. My son and I were brainstorming lunch ideas and came up with a fantastic idea that allows variety and spunk in your lunch. We even had some non-gluten free peoples try out our ideas and they enjoyed them a lot. So what could make a gluten free child feel better than to bring a lunch to school that other kids think is pretty neat and would like to try, right?


Here is the deal. The fundamental idea revolves around white corn tortillas. The sky's the limit once you get these. One of our favorite creations is spreading peanut butter and jelly onto the tortilla and rolling it up. A few of these work well as a replacement sandwich. You can also go in several other directions with this....Peanut butter and honey; peanut butter and sliced bananas; mayo, ham and cheese; mayo, turkey, and cheese, the sky's the limit! You layer up your tortilla and roll up as many as you desire. They are ultra yummy and definitely hit the spot. 

Here are some of the combos we put together when packing our school lunches:
  1. A corn tortilla roll creation, boiled egg, GF crackers with cookie cut slices of meat and cheese,or homemade trail mix
  2. A drink (water bottle, Capri sun, kool-aide, milk, chocolate milk)
  3. fruit/veggie of some kind (watermelon, banana, apple slices w/ peanut butter, carrot sticks, cucumbers, salad, grapes, cherry tomatoes,etc.)
  4. Dairy (string cheese, etc)
  5. Snack (chips, fruit snacks, candy, etc)
We have had great success since we have implemented this system and I hope that it is a great help to all of you out there looking for creative options to perk up your child's GF lunch. ENJOY!